Reflecting on this accident I had met with many years back…
I remember how I would feel just after my quick recovery. While walking on the road I would feel a rickshaw was about to hit me or while traveling to work I would feel that the cab traveling past my window would hit our cab. I would look the other way and my friend P advised me not to sit by the window for some days. I did that and I was out of that fear/trauma soon.
On the day the accident had happened, and I was returning from the hospital I told P ‘see you tomorrow’ and my mother was like “what? are you going to office tomorrow?!” and my father was like “we’ll see tomorrow, if she can go, she will go.”
Of course the next day I was not in a state of going to the office though I returned to office in three days time. If I or my parents would have panicked, I would probably have taken longer to heal. They took care of me, nursed me, while telling me not to worry about office. Also I wanted to return to work soon, and so the combined effects of the mind and whatever medicines/nursing was needed helped me get back to my feet.
Accidents happen, big or small. It needs to be handled calmly, and both the mind and the body needs to heal. Acceptance of the same, and positivity help in healing. This does not mean that the severity of the accident/incident does not have any impact. I was lucky to be have escaped with minor hurts but sometimes minor hurts can turn into major and major hurts also recover in quick time. Multiple factors.