The pamper…
I love eggs. In any form. I also have random wheezing issues, and he thinks eggs aggravate the issue. I don’t really agree hundred percent and hence I cheat once in a while, settling for an omelette or an egg parantha at the office canteen.
Last week I was surprised when he got eggs and asked me to get those cooked for lunch. He bought half a dozen and suggested I have them for breakfast too. Well, I preferred to have egg curry cooked for lunch.
Now the breakfast menu was incomplete so had to completed on another day in the week. My week was getting better!
There were a couple of eggs remaining in this buy and yesterday evening as I was trying to wrap up my work, I could hear something in the kitchen, something being cooked and in about five minutes the omelette was placed at my work table. It would have been the perfect snack when I was trying to finish my Friday tasks but well I was fasting. He didn’t know and I didn’t wish to tell him either. So I had to cheat again and say that I would have it later. I put that in a tiffin box and placed it at a corner in the fridge so that it would escape the eye.
I thought I had managed well but then came the samosa. One any other day, it would have been a perfect end to a hectic week but well as I was fasting I had to pretend again and saved it in the same tiffin to be had next day.
I didn’t refuse yesterday and in fact pretended to have it because it’s not very often he does this kind of pampering. My father!