Three years back, I had scribbled this hurriedly, when some notes were floating nearby, in the absolute silence of the night….
One string a step forward Another a step backwards
The note will float, the note will merge
In the silence of the night…
When I had shared this post with two of my friends who are as nostalgically tied and hopelessly stuck to that one place as I am, they immediately connected with the “real” strings and one of them told me that this post reminded him of Bhupen Hazarika’s “Shillongore Godhuli”
Little did I know back in 2021, that I would step forward some day to string some strings. So, early 2024 when a friend told me that she took up oil painting, I thought I should do something and took the guitar plunge. I was(and still am) full of doubts — had never had remotely anything to do with music, never sang or played any instrument and always fell out of pace when it came to rhythm. I expressed the same to the teacher who I visited to enquire, and he patiently listened and gave an assurance that anyone could learn. He sat with his guitar and played a few notes of “Five Hundred Miles” which coincidentally happens to be one of my favourites and was introduced to me by a friend at school. Strings. It is another story though that I haven’t played a decent version of this song yet. On my list…
While trying to learn another oldie “Hotel California”, I strained my finger/hand to the extent that it lasted for weeks, made me go for physiotherapy but ultimately me dropping out of physio and trying a similar technique myself, and eventually the pain/uneasiness disappearing. My teacher laughed while asking what did we practice so much that the pain refused to go back…

I haven’t practiced “Hotel California” much yet but someday I hope I will get there…
The one song where we managed to do a small recording in the class was for “Faded” but the first recording was lost with me never having seen the recording. I tried a small recording myself as the connecting string is a piece of work close to my heart.
The second try at recording in the class failed as we could just not sync even after three attempts. It was disappointing.
The third recording worked to some extent finally…
Between juggling with several things, hardly practising, I do not even know how far I can go but this definitely is a step ahead from the time when I wished I could play…