Stories and Some Learnings: Tell a story when in doubt, when in pain…
I am picking this up from an old diary, where I had decided to pen down some incidents. I had written this in 2002 and reproducing it here with some minor changes in the writing style…
I have been told that I tell stories well. My friend and roommate RV would tell me that she liked the way in which I told stories, in details and capturing the emotions. Telling and writing may not bring in the same effect though and I am not sure what RV thinks of that now.
Another friend, RD felt the same. She would often tell me to tell her something funny or interesting. Once as we traveled in a local crowded bus in Bangalore and with no hopes of finding a seat, we were tired and it was still an hour more before we would reach our destination. It was then RD asked to tell her some story and I had to search for one from my memory bank. In the midst of the pushing crowd, our storytelling continued and the distractions mattered no more!
AC thought on similar lines too. When she wasn’t feeling sleepy she would demand for a story and then sleep would follow soon.
Our story telling sessions in our Bangalore PG would go on till late in the night and we would go to bed very reluctantly.
Then there different times too, the sessions ending, friends scattered, and when we would worry about our job and future. There were many nights when SA and me would toss and turn, uneasy, quiet, anxious and sleep a distant reality…it was on many such nights that SA would tell me ‘Hey, speak something, tell a story…’