Purpose of the Soul
The year 2024 ended on a very happy note and 2025 began with reading the book “Soul Talks” gifted by a friend. This could well be a message from the higher powers that be, to look within and work on the self.
And understand the purpose of the soul perhaps…
To add to this alignment, these three books are my current reads and apart from the coincidental colour match of their covers, there is some deeper connection — the relationship between the mind and the body maybe

This popped up on social media perhaps to indicate that this topic needs to be delved deeper…
WHAT SOUL PURPOSE IS: — There are only experiences for the evolving soul and lessons to learn over lifetimes, which the ego judges as “good” or “bad” caught in duality. — Your ultimate ”soul purpose” is aligning with Divine Will with unconditional aspiration and surrender to the Divine without bargaining, attachment to desire, craving, grasping, hope or fear. It requires Faith and Trust. — The more individuated you are, the more you live your soul’s purpose. It’s an inner experience connected to Self. — Your soul purpose can manifest and express itself in anything “you do” in life and the role you play, but you don’t identify with any of it, nor are you attached to any outcome — Your soul’s purpose evolves and is shaped through many experiences and lessons over lifetimes based on karmic trajectories that are impossible for the mental mind to comprehend — Your soul purpose is your unique expression of Divine Will acting through you as you bring forth Essence — your true individuated Self The more you bring forth the true Self, the less you identify with the outer ego-personality. The ego then becomes a clear vessel for essence to shine through. Personal will is merged with Divine Will. — You are the instrument God plays His song through you [symbolized by Krishna playing His flute, the celestial song of the Divine manifested uniquely through you] — Your only “job” is to become a clear instrument for the Divine [via psycho=spiritual work] — it is how your soul purpose expresses itself MAIN THREE ASPECTS:
- Your Soul Purpose is a Journey — Not a Destination
- You are consciously living your soul purpose when you align personal will with Divine Will [Divine Will is already acting through you the best it can without your awareness]) which is not what your conditioned/wounded ego-personality wants or desires, as it keeps looking for fulfillment (or blame) externally.
- Living from your true Self/Essence is your direct connection to the Divine as a unique [individuated] transducer of Divine Will
A lot of reading, understanding and silence is needed to understand the purpose of the soul