Only a parent knows…
My father, who remembers everything, and is particular about every record, paper work and all now seems to be losing his memory after his dengue -pneumonia treatment. It could be due to weakness, dehydration and effects of antibiotics. And per the latest MRI reports, there are some age related atrophy issues, mild but that drove me crazy today.
I came home, cried for straight 30 mins, called two friends and only cried and cried just to say no my father cannot have memory problems. He just cannot.
Between thinking about what could be the next best step, and contacting my long distant doctor, received an emergency call and had to rush to attend other urgent stuff.
But behind my mind ran the scene from yesterday morning when I visited my father. My heart was heavy because I had some issue with a friend and was upset, and may be that reflected on my face. Now when I was speaking to my father who is in the ICU otherwise, could read my face. He asked me what the matter was, why I was down and if anybody had said anything to upset me…I couldn’t control my tears and he again enquired what had happened.
That is a parent, who cares, even in that state, and no one in the whole world will care more!
For now, his healing shall be the will of the Almighty…if you happen to read this, send me a blessing please!