Nature That is Us
Nature is meant to be free, boundless, and abundant. And essentially, we, human beings should be the embodiment of this very nature — free in spirit and thought, abundant and knowing no boundaries.
But we gradually are shifting to just the opposite. We have forgotten our free spirit, we have forgotten our limitlessness, and we are transforming ourselves to mere machines. We are becoming less human, devoid of emotions as we follow through the crowd and moving towards a state of ‘human’ extinction.
We are hooked on to our phones and television sets, we soak in every bit of the ‘news’ and we do not question the whys and the hows. We let our lives drag on, in everyday routine. We rush for our jobs, to earn our breads, we follow the rules blindly, we do not get into confrontations, we do not like to challenge nor be challenged, we do not want to fall into bad books, and we come back to our comforted netflixed zones where we can stay distanced from reality as much as we can.
Nature has room for everyone to grow, the bird, the trees, and the flowers. Each blossom in their own time, each patient to wait for their season. But humans have forgotten the art of waiting, of patience and never thinks twice before joining the mad rat race; ever willing to jump on the other, trounce the other, the degeneration of humans are quite evident.
The last two-three has been a mess of sorts and probably a manifestation of what was building up for decades and the next few years may be worse unless we build back better by going back to nature.
Humans have complied blindly to norms dictated, devalued family system, and focussed on individualism. There has been some deep social engineering, a subtle push to accepting an easy life, and thereby taking us away from reality. Machines entered our lives, and somehow made us feel that they would ease our labour, make us comfortable and give us back ‘time’. Not that machines are all bad, and some automation and ease in life is not needed, but what has happened is the misuse or over-use of machines. We accepted that as a norm and from cooking to cleaning, we have been adopting an easy way out. We no longer grow our crops, we hate to peel vegetables, we trust frozen super market foods and more than often we do not like to wash our utensils and at this rate, it does seem like we may not want to chew our food soon.
Now with the ‘time’ that the machines have blessed us with, what do we do? We spend hours on online video games, we watch games which others play, we watch movies and we call these all entertainment. We follow the online ‘heroes’, we attempt to live their lives, we chase their lifestyles and we end up in stress.
We forgot physical work as we remained glued to our TVs and mobiles, we became physically weak and we gobbled some pills hoping all will be okay. We ended up becoming weak, kept on ‘testing’ ourselves, chewed more pills and we thought we were doing just fine so long as our bills got taken care of by some insurance where we paid more money than the benefits we supposedly received.
This kind of programming since years has had a very deep impact on us so much so that when these very external agents from our online lives told us that we were sick even when we had no symptoms, we believed them. So, we went and ‘tested’ ourselves based on a ‘test’ recommended by them. We got gripped in such fear that we accepted external interventions without questioning. We see the consequences; we see the sufferings and yet we continue to remain blindfolded and we continue to trust the narratives. And at this rate again, we are not headed anywhere but in making ourselves mechanical, fearful, lost and the very antithesis of what we call ‘human’.
What may be the way out, one might ask; the answer would be to go within, to our natural self, to mimic nature, to grow, to love, to be fearless. We sure cannot be defeated if we have the kind of will-power which we have inherited from nature, to recognise the strength we have within, to slow down when needed, to breathe and to fight our fears. Reaching for limitlessness, to touch the sky, to walk the waters, expansion of ourselves and love will surely work when everything else fails.
Originally published at