Mother, they called!
Just out of nowhere some memories surfaced and so I thought of penning these down even if they weren’t that significant.
Have lived half my life I guess and didn’t have the fortune to be a mother, but these incidents of the past brought back some happy smiles.
Back in hostel during my post graduation days, the helper boy would address me ‘mummy’. Neither me nor any of my friends knew why. Every time I needed something and called Raju, he would be like ‘yes mummy’, ‘okay mummy’. Three years in hostel passed by and life’s priorities took over and while leaving the hostel and the city, never bothered to meet and say bye. Today reminiscing about those days, I wonder where and how Raju must be and I do not even fathom that I would ever meet him or even if I did I would recognise him.
Now going to be another timeline of this life, a colleague, my senior would call me ‘Matasree’. In this case I think I can relate to my cooking for the entire group led him to address me such. Thankfully we are still in touch and even more than 15 years since then, he still addresses me as ‘Matasree’ and I address him as ‘Putrasree’.
Another colleague of mine called me ‘Mother Teresa’, she associated some kindness and helpfulness with me and hence. I was/am never pleased with this christening as the truth behind Mother Teresa’s stories stand in the way. These stories are of course for another day.
Another person I spoke to with regards to some social causes and health related issues told me during one of our conversations that I would be mother to many less cared for children. I never met this person and do not even know what to think about his prediction. Time will tell.
Someone else told me I reminded him of his mother and I would act like her many times. Thinking of this now, I do not even know whether there was any truth in that however I choose to keep this thought in my memory without being judgemental.
May be I do have some motherly characteristics, maybe!!!