De-cluttering and Running Through Moisty Memories

I go and draw the curtain next to my big desk window just as these little wavy thoughts run across my mind. My desk location is the best one could have and and every morning when I come to work, I pretend I own the place, go and draw the curtain, let the light in and get ready for the day’s work to take shape.
When I am not at desk during the twilight I miss the beautiful colors of that hour. However the best views are on rainy days, when the rain water trickles down the window pane and create unique patterns or the brilliant lights that the sky throws out, which somehow amalgamates with the grey clouds and the artificial street lights. My workplace doesn’t let me use a camera and I have these lights and patterns captured in my memory and if I had one, I could have made a twilight album. Many a times, a few of my colleagues would join me watch the beauty outside and we would point to each other the angle that appeared most beautiful to each of us.
These will all change, and even before we change to the new office building, I will have to change to a new desk. Everyone around has envied this desk as it provided the best view. There is also a little corner just below the window where I casually sit when I want to escape the crowd and focus; that was a like my own private meeting room if you will.
Not just the windows, my desk space is huge too. I have filled it up over the years with pictures, momentos and certificates. I could have displayed my awards too but I am little embarrassed by that though I might just start doing that at the new work place. The gifts i receive from time to time also flaunt my desk along with the mugs and tumblers I possess. Each one carries a memory from being a SPOC there or from having attended or given a training and so on.
I have a three cabin drawer and as I sat cleaning that today, I took out my old notes, looked at those and asked myself if I needed those anymore. ‘No’ was my answer to self. So these are now dumped to a corner from where someone will pick these up to be shred. The most difficult choice was however to give away the old note books of two of my colleagues who happened to be quite close to me and they had left their stuff with me when they quit the organisation. Moist-eyed I remembered that the situation has changed and giving away those old copies should have been done long back.
As I kept browsing through the drawers, I found two boxes of Tambola games. Tambola has always been a team favorite and and though I handed over the notepads and the pens that i had saved for the team, I didn’t want to give away these boxes. I thought about two of my other two team mates who are close to me but had already shifted to the new building and who could be the possible inheritors.
Just as my mind raced through these mixed feelings the desk phone rang. Oh among my other possessions I have two desktop phones which I may not be able to carry to the new facility as organisation is shifting towards direct laptop calls. And surprise of surprises, one of the favorite kids I had thought about called somehow. As I got up from my desk excited, I met the other kid too… these two seemed to be God sent just to take me out of my reverie and also to tell me that not everything has changed or will change.
As I prepare to go to my next meeting, I look out of the window I again see the rays of these setting sun covering the evening in its changing hues, some shine here and some shine there. Flow with the hour, I tell myself and shine on!