Our Bruno! He left us all two days back and I don’t know whether to be happy for all the years of our love and caring or to be sad that he is gone. That leaves a void but somewhere in the mind there is a relief that his sufferings have ended!
My parents brought him up like a child, he was pampered and of course he was the reason to keep them busy after their retirement and at a time when me and my brother were away from home in search of our education and career! Only Ma and Baba will be able to tell of the things that he did, tearing clothes inside and destroying our gardens outside. Yes, he was a kid!
When we visited home he would not allow us to sit with Ma; he had all the energy then to push us away. Ma was his!
Ma and Baba left him a few times in Shillong when they visited us in Delhi and everyday Baba would call our tenants to find out about his well being. On one such occasion Bruno was hit by an arrow and we all went through such mental trauma. Thankfully our neighbor who had a pet of his own took care and saved him. From then on, every visit to Delhi would mean bringing him along with them.

Our Sunday lunch menu includes chicken almost as if it were a rule. And Bruno would be impatient to get his share in a way as to suggest that he has been hungry throughout the week! We will remember this for a long time, Sunday lunches are going to remind us of him!
When my niece was born, he was so protective that each time she cried he would bark at my Ma and my sis-in-law. She was like his little sister! In fact when my brother got married and his wife put her first steps in though the threshold, he was there! He did not show a single sign of non-recognition even though he had seen her for the first time.
My niece use to call her Bruno babu, out of affection and everything she ate he would want his share on it. He ate vegetables the first time in his when she offered, he ate everything she offered. Sometimes we would ask him to move aside and let her finish, alas only if we knew nothing lasts forever!
The care that Baba took of him is beyond words! He never ate anything before giving it to him, he pampered him in every way, kissed him good night, each night and fed him when he was sick, gave him medicines when he felt Bruno was not doing well….the list is endless! Today I know he suffers, suffers the most, but he won’t show it. That’s my Baba! The only thing he said was he was happy that Bruno’s sufferings from the past two months had ended and that Baba himself would be free of his duties, no more checking on him at each hour, no more wondering what medicine to give him, what food will suit him!
Originally published on Aug 30, 2015