A Story That I Turn Back To Now And Then
In one of the worst times that I had faced, when there seemed no light at the end of the tunnel, and I was under some mental stress, I came across this story, though not for the first time, but the first time it had left an imprint…
The Pregnant Deer
In a remote forest, a pregnant deer is about to give birth to a baby. It finds a remote grass field near by a river and slowly goes there thinking it would be safe.
As she moves slowly, she gets labor pain. At the same moment, dark clouds gather around that area and lightning starts a forest fire.
Turning left she sees a hunter who is aiming an arrow from a distance. As she tries to move towards right, she spots a hungry lion approaching her…..
What can the pregnant deer do…she is already under labor pain ?
- What do you think will happen?
- Will the deer survive?
- Will it give birth to a fawn?
- Will the fawn survive? OR
- Will everything be burnt by the forest fire?
That particular moment
- Can the deer go left? Hunter’s arrow is pointing!
- Can she go right? Hungry male lion approaching!
- She is constrained by
- the fire on the one side
- The flowing river on the other
- The Hunter on left side
- The lion on right side
What does she do?
- She just focuses on giving birth to a new LIFE!
The sequence of events that happens at that fraction of a second (moment) are as follows:
- In a spur of MOMENT & lightning strikes (already it is cloudy ) and blinds the eyes of the Hunter.
- At that MOMENT, the hunter releases the arrow missing and zipping past the deer.
- At that MOMENT the arrow hits and injures the lion badly.
- At that MOMENT, it starts to rain heavily and puts out the forest fire.
- At that next MOMENT, the deer gives birth to a healthy fawn.
Moral of the Story(reproducing the exact piece that was part of the story)
In our life, work and business, there are moments of choice when we are confronted on αll sides with negative thoughts and possibilities.
Some thoughts are so powerful that they overcome & overwhelm us. They make us clueless.
Let us never decide anything in a hurry.
Maybe we can learn from the deer.
Anything can happen in a MOMENT in this life. If you are Religious, Superstitious, Atheist, Agnostic or whatever you can attribute, this MOMENT as Divine Intervention OF, Faith, Sudden Luck, Chance (serendipity), Coincidence or a Simple don’t know’.
The priority of the deer, in that given moment, was simply to give birth to a baby because LIFE IS PRECIOUS!!!
The rest was not in her hands & any action or reaction that changed her focus would have likely resulted in death or disaster.
Hence, whether you are Deer or a Human ask yourself,
Where is your focus?
Focus should always remain on faith and hope; keep that FAITH and HOPE within…