A New Year’s Gift — Soul Talks
The year 2024 ended on a very happy note and 2025 began with reading the book “Soul Talks” gifted by a friend. This could well be a message from the higher powers that be, to look within and work on the self.

The Power of Intention
Intention refers to the way one thinks. The goal is to have a pure mind even when surrounded by negativity.
1. Anitya Bhavana
Nothing is permanent in this world — challenges, pain, suffering come and go and this knowledge will help in easing the pain. Understanding this and learning to live in a spiritual way is a new beginning.
2. Asharan Bhavana
No matter how much money, power, knowledge one has, when its time to go, its time to go. No one can escape death.
3. Samsaar Bhavana
Reflecting on the sufferings of self and the people around can led one to the spiritual path.
4. Ekatvaa Bhavana
Only the soul is permanent. Right guidance is important but at the end of the day, it’s left to the individual to pursue and it will be possible only if the intention is there.
5. Anyatva Bhavana
Separateness or distinctiveness is the realization that no two individuals are the same, and the individual is responsible for his own actions.
6. Asuchi Bhavana
Learning to accept that the body is impure, one has to be happy with one’s body, accept it and take care of what is needed. When one is clean on the inside, the external body will glow and shine. It is better to live in soul which is the purest thing.
7. Ashrava Bhavana
If one lives with pure intention, karma can be burnt out.
8.Samvar Bhavana
Samvar Bhavana means to stop the flow of bad thoughts and negativities. It’s easy to become lazy and lose discipline but with gradual and consistent focus it is possible.
9. Nirjar Bhavana
Nirjara Bhavana is the intention where one wants to clear his karma. Meditation, Sadhana, Fasts are tools to clean up the karma.
10. Lok Bhavana
The universe is vast and whole. When we see how small we are compared to the universe, our ego begins to shrink.
11. Bodhi Durlabh Bhavana
Real knowing is difficult to achieve. A fully developed mind has the ability to grow spiritually. Human life and humanity are difficult to achieve. No matter how much knowledge one has, without the right vision one may not go in the right direction.
12. Dharma Bhavana
Dharma means the “path”. The real path is that sets the soul free. To help one live on the right path, one needs to surrender to higher souls. When we surrender, we are open to guidance, there is no resistance.
Ego wants to rule, that’s why one must die before one dies - by surrendering!
Notes and Open Questions:
- This has been the status on my WhatsApp since quite long time now:
Me the Sword Cannot Cut; Nor Weapons Pierce; Me the Fire Cannot Burn…
…The Upanishads
2. When one chooses spirituality, there is a shift towards inner freedom. Challenges can be overcome with less difficulty
3. Often questioned myself and a few others about family “karma”, but has been told there is nothing but individual karma. Personally not convinced having seen a few patterns in families…though there could be other attributable reasons…